The field of human-animal interactions is growing rapidly, with innovative practice applications and research developments emerging regularly. Our Orientation to Human-Animal Interactions professional development course is a great starting place for students to gain an introduction to the variety of applications and research in this field. By examining how human-animal interactions can be incorporated into micro, mezzo, and macro career fields, students gain a deeper understanding of the power of the human-animal bond and how these concepts can be incorporated into professional practice.
The course earns 5 continuing education units documented on a University of Denver transcript.
Students have up to 3 months to complete the coursework on their own schedule.
This asynchronous, self-paced course is available to anyone around the world (all 7 continents).

Cost and Registration Information
This class is open to people from any experience or education level. We welcome anyone who is interested in this topic to register for this introductory class. This is an asynchronous, self-paced learning course. When you register, you will be sent course login details within 3 business days so you can get started learning quickly! Students earn 5 continuing education units.
Cost: $99 (includes all course materials)

Providing mindfulness, advocacy, and wellness for equines
Lisa Daigle is the founder of Savannah's Place, a sanctuary providing mindfulness, advocacy, and wellness for equines and a 2015 graduate of the Institute for Human-Animal Connection's (IHAC) Animals and Human Health (AHH) Certificate program. Lisa has enrolled in the Humane Education Practitioner Certificate through IHAC this year because of her desire to utilize additional education to the benefit her local community and the animals at the sanctuary.

Animal-Assisted Therapy in Child Welfare
Rachel Pletcher completed Animals and Human Health in 2018 which has allowed her to develop and implement an animal-assisted therapy program for her child welfare organization.

Dog-Assisted Reading Program in Mexico
Maria Espinosa de los Monteros didn’t grow up with dogs, but quickly opened up her heart and home to the many stray dogs in need of care in her community once she was able to. She is now the director of the R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistant Dogs) program in Mexico City where she serves a diverse population and is elevating the role of dogs in her community.