PhD Student Resource Portal
This page includes information, resources, and forms related to the Social Work PhD program.
GSSW Academic Calendars
- Fall 2024 GSSW Academic Calendar
- Winter 2025 GSSW Academic Calendar
- Spring 2025 GSSW Academic Calendar
University of Denver Calendars
University of Denver, Office of Graduate Education (OGE) Resources:
If you don't find a resource listed here, search on OGE's primary website.
Quick Links:
University of Denver Resources:
Here are some common resources for the PhD program. If you don't find a resource listed here, search on DU's primary website.
Health & Wellness Resources
CAPE (Center for Advocacy, Prevention, Empowerment): Supporting survivors of sexual violence and promoting healthy relationships.
Health & Counseling Center Group Therapy & Workshops
Health & Counseling Fee: Information for both new graduate students and returning graduate students
Locate community providers within the new student insurance Anthem BC/BS network
- SOS (Student Outreach and Support): Helps students succeed by connecting them to resources, developing a plan of action to meet their goals, and navigating challenging situations. Staff, faculty and students can submit a referral or reach out directly for connection.
- If you or someone you know needs help in dealing with a suicidal crisis, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
- Leave of Absence: At certain times in graduate school, a student may need to take a pause in their program. You will find information on personal and medical leave options at the following links:
Committed to supporting all eligible [campus-based] students, the DU Health & Counseling Center (HCC) offers a range of confidential individual, couples and group mental services, including Same Day urgent appointments, tele-connections, and online resources. Call 303.871.2205 for support.
Student Technology Essentials
Check your MyDU portal for important documents, registration info and other student essentials.
Access our online learning-management system to find syllabi, assignments, deadlines and more.
Office 365
Access your email account, Microsoft Word, OneDrive and other resources that can help you complete your schoolwork.
Host or attend virtual meetings or classes.
PhD Program Benchmarks
PhD Programmatic Milestones
The Graduate School of Social Work expects students in the Ph.D. Program to make consistent progress toward completion of their degree. As such programmatic milestones have been established and eligibility for certain types of financial support is tied to completion of programmatic milestones.
Year One
At the end of the first year of the Ph.D. Program, students are expected to have:
a) Successfully completed approximately one-half of the course credits required for completion of their degree;
a) Received feedback from faculty supervisor of satisfactory work as GSSW Pre-Doctoral Fellowship(s), Graduate Teaching Assistantship(s), or Graduate Research Assistantship(s) (if awarded) as indicated on Student Development Plan; and the departmental annual review; and,
a) Developed and received approval for their Educational Plan;
a) Successfully passed the Research Methods and Statistics qualifying examination; and,
a) Selected a permanent academic advisor. -
Year Two
At the end of the second year of the Ph.D. Program, students are expected to have:
a) Successfully completed all required course credits required for completion of their degree (75 credits beyond the MSW or 90 hours beyond their non-MSW master’s degree and no incompletes);
b) Received feedback from faculty supervisor of satisfactory work as GSSW Pre-Doctoral Fellowship(s), Graduate Teaching Assistantship(s), or Graduate Research Assistantship(s) (if awarded) as indicated on Student Development Plan; and,
c) Updated and finalized their Educational Plan
d) Successfully completed and received approval on their comprehensive exam proposal by August 15th -
Year Three
At the end of the third year of the Ph.D. Program, students are expected to have:
a) Successfully passed their comprehensive exam*;
b) Been moved to final candidacy;
c) Received feedback from faculty supervisor of satisfactory work as GSSW Pre-Doctoral Fellowship(s), Graduate Teaching Assistantship(s), or Graduate Research Assistantship(s) (if awarded) as indicated on Student Development Plan; and,
c) Completed and received approval for their dissertation proposal.
GSSW Doctoral Assistantships will not be awarded to students who have not completed their year three programmatic milestones by the end of the third academic year (see section on GSSW Doctoral Assistantships below). -
Year Four
Students are expected to have successfully passed their comprehensive exam by the end of their fourth year in the program. Failure to have done so will result in termination from the program.
Annual Review Process
Annual Review Process
Each year that a student is enrolled in coursework, they will be required to participate in an annual review process; in addition, those who are serving in GRA roles in the 3rd and 4th years may be asked to complete an annual review at the discretion of the Associate Dean and/or at the request of the student or their advisor. Further details are available in the PhD Handbook.
Comprehensive Exam
The Comprehensive Exam is a written and oral exam designed to evaluate the student's work at DU. The purpose of the exam is to provide a means by which the student demonstrates capacities for independent and systematic scholarship in keeping with the educational objectives of the PhD program at GSSW.
- Comprehensive Exam Proposal Approval Form
- Comprehensive Exam Flowchart - overview of steps to take for Comprehensive Exam Proposal, Comprehensive Exam; contains links to forms you'll need
- Comprehensive Paper Oral Examination Form
- Rubric for Comprehensive Exam
The dissertation requirement is designed to afford students an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to 1) do competent research in social work, 2) organize materials logically, write clearly, and make sound interpretations and conclusions from the facts presented, and 3) make a contribution to the field.
- Approval of Dissertation Proposal Form
- Approval of Final Draft of Dissertation Form
- Dissertation Flowchart - overview of steps to take for Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation; contains links to forms you'll need
- Office of Graduate Education Dissertation Information
- Thesis/Dissertation Oral Defense Committee Recommendation Form
Job Market
- Academic Job Market Process
- Non-Academic Job Market Process
- Join the GSSW Job Seeker Team: GSSW Job Seekers-g | General | Microsoft Teams
Sample Documents
- PhD Combination Resume Example
- PhD Resume Guide
- Sliva Infographic Example
- Sliva Teaching Statement Example
DU Specific Job Market Resources
- University of Denver | Big Interview
- Career Closet – Students can get interview attire for free
- Located at the Burwell Center for Career Achievement
- Non-academic positions are posted on the DU Career Platform, PCO
- Students can create a profile on the DU Networking website, Crimson Constellation
Helpful Articles and Documents
- Writing a Good Letter - The Chronicle of Higher Ed
- Writing a Job Letter - parezco y digo
- Beyond the One-Page Cover Letter - The Chronicle
- Curriculum Vitae Template - PhD Faculty Positions
- Converting your CV to a Resume in 5 Easy Steps
- Common Academic Interview Questions
- Questions to ask schools during interviews
- Surviving the Job Market
Academic Job Boards