In addition to an emphasis on cultural and linguistic competency in medically underserved and rural communities, preferred internship sites must integrate behavioral health into primary care, and/or practices interprofessional team-based models of care (two or more health disciplines, and/or integrates behavioral health into school settings serving children, adolescents, and young adults.
Although internships at primary care sites receive priority in the application process, internships that are not primary care but include an interdisciplinary team providing interdisciplinary training of two or more health disciplines using a team-based-care approach to provide quality behavioral health services will also be considered for the stipend program on a space-available basis.
We encourage students placed in nontraditional experiential training sites dedicated to promoting integration of behavioral health in high need and high demand areas to apply to CLIMB. Examples of nontraditional sites include, but are not limited to, hospitals, crisis centers, state and local health departments, emergency departments, faith-based organizations, first responders and judicial systems.
To check if your internship site is already a CLIMB partner site and to get more information on integrated behavioral health, please check our placement list: CLIMB_Placements_2023.docx
If you would like to discuss other sites, please contact to see if your field placement is a good fit with CLIMB program requirements.