Dual Degrees and Certificates

Denver Campus MSW students can specialize their degrees with either a dual degree or certificate. This page includes information about course requirements, the application process and course planning for dual degrees and certificates. Please note, expressing interest in a certificate program on your initial GSSW application does not automatically enroll you in that certificate. Students must complete and submit all necessary applications and requirements as posted below.

Dual Degree Contact:

Phone: 303-871-3709
Email: Karen Benson
Office: Craig Hall 435

Dual Degrees

Formal Dual Degrees

GSSW offers thirteen different formal dual degrees. With fully developed and approved curricula, these programs are available to graduate students who are admitted to both schools and submit the Dual-Degree Approval Form during the program's first term. For program details, please contact the school, college or department.

Formal Graduate Dual-Degree Verification

Flexible Dual Degrees

Propose any combination of two University of Denver master's degrees for a flexible dual-degree program tailored to your career goals. For more information, read the Dual-Degree Policy or view the full policy and submit your proposed program by downloading the Flexible Dual-Degree Form.

dog in a classroom

Human–Animal–Environment Interactions in Social Work Certificate

The Human–Animal–Environment Interactions in Social Work certificate prepares students to recognize the importance and impact of human–animal–environment interactions in culturally responsive and ethically advanced professional social work practice settings. Clinical and community settings such as mental health agencies, schools and shelters are emphasized. The certificate centers social justice and highlights intersecting systems of oppression and violence directed toward humans, animals and the environment.

  • There is no requirement for a specialized field placement related to the certificate.
  • This certificate does not require an application. Students register for the first course (SOWK 4795) to start the certificate studies.

Learn more about the certificate and outcomes.

  • Course Requirements

    Courses are taken in sequence (SOWK 4795, SOWK 4796, SOWK 4797), primarily during the Concentration year.

    • SOWK 4795: Foundations for Human–Animal–Environment Interactions in Social Work (offered summer, fall, and spring quarters; starting the course sequence in spring quarter is only available to first-year students)
    • SOWK 4796: Human–Animal–Environment Interventions in Social Work Practice (offered fall and winter quarters)
    • SOWK 4797: Professional Integration of Human–Animal–Environment Interactions in Social Work (offered winter and spring quarters)
  • Course Planning for Denver Campus MSW Students
    Option Spring Quarter Summer Quarter Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter


    SOWK 4795 (Course 1)   SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)  

    SOWK 4795 (Course 1)

        SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)
    C SOWK 4795 (Course 1)   SOWK 4796 (Course 2)   SOWK 4797 (Course 3)
    D   SOWK 4795 (Course 1) SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)  
    E   SOWK 4795 (Course 1) SOWK 4796 (Course 2)   SOWK 4797 (Course 3)
    F   SOWK 4795 (Course 1)   SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)
    G     SOWK 4795 (Course 1) SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)


  • Course Planning for Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Students
    Option Summer Quarter Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter
    A SOWK 4795 (Course 1) SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)  
    B SOWK 4795 (Course 1) SOWK 4796 (Course 2)   SOWK 4797 (Course 3)
    C SOWK 4795 (Course 1)   SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)
    D   SOWK 4795 (Course 1) SOWK 4796 (Course 2) SOWK 4797 (Course 3)


  • Optional Courses

    In addition to the required course sequence, optional 1-credit courses are available to deepen learning. Please check with the certificate coordinator to learn when these courses are offered.

    • SOWK 4990: Canine Interactions in Social Work Practice — Pro-Active Handling and Training
    • SOWK 4990: Social Work in Nature — Green Care and Nature Therapeutics
    • SOWK 4990: Green Chimneys and HAI Research


    Students pursuing the Human–Animal–Environment Interactions in Social Work certificate have access to a dedicated Canvas page with information about additional learning opportunities and events for students.

Human–Animal–Environment Interactions Certificate Coordinator

Nina Ekholm-Fry

Nina Ekholm Fry

Director of Equine Programs, Institute for Human-Animal Connection

Learn More

group of children

School Social Work Certificate

The School Social Work Certificate explores all aspects of school social work, such as crisis intervention and school-based assessments, and prepares you to work in Colorado schools, from preschool through high school.

Learn more about the certificate and outcomes.

  • Application Requirements
    1. Email gsswschoolsocialwork@du.edu about your intention to obtain the certificate.  
    2. Review and complete the School Social Work Application
    3. Return the application by the due date listed below.
      • Denver Campus MSW Program students: June 1
      • Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Program students: Sept.1
  • Course Requirements
    • SOWK 4712: Social Work and the Law (offered fall, winter, spring and summer quarters)
    • SOWK 4715: School Social Work Interventions (offered fall, winter, spring and summer quarters)
      • This course is required for Colorado School Social Work Certification
    • SOWK 4718: Social Work Assessment and Realities (offered spring quarter only)
      • Open only to School Social Work certificate students
  • Field Requirements
    • All students must have a school placement in the state of Colorado in either their Foundation or Concentration year.  If you are in progress in identifying your school social placement, you can still apply.
    • All students must be supervised by a school social worker.

School Social Work Certificate Coordinators

Stephanie George

Stephanie T George

Professor of the Practice of Social Work; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Learn More

Julianne Rollins Mitchell

Julianne Rollins Mitchell

Clinical Associate Professor; Fac Dir, The Collaborative

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two women holding a picture

Latinx Social Work Certificate

Our Latinx Social Work certificate provides students with the skills and knowledge to address the critical issues and needs of Latinx individuals, families and communities. Students will gain acumen in social work practice steeped in the culture, politics, histories and legacies of domestic and international Latin American people.

Learn more about the certificate and outcomes.

  • Application Requirements

    Students considering the Latinx Social Work certificate program may be in any pathway at GSSW and are required to:

    • Complete the Latinx Social Work certificate application.
    • Schedule and attend a meeting with the certificate coordinator.
    • Non-Spanish speakers are eligible to take all the certificate courses. All certificate students, regardless of language ability, create language learning plans. (For students interested in more language learning support, the Center for World Languages and Cultures at DU offers credit and non-credit language learning.)
  • Course Requirements
    • SOWK 4753: Social Development in Latin America
    • SOWK 4750: Critical Perspectives on the Latinx Context
    • SOWK 4749: Culturally Responsive Practice with Latinx
    • Approved field placement (discuss with certificate coordinator and field advisor)

Latinx Social Work Certificate Coordinator

Miriam Valdovinos

Miriam Georgina Valdovinos

Associate Professor

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group of people at UN

Global Social Work Certificate

The Global Social Work Certificate helps students to understand global connections and perspectives through a series of courses, specialized monthly in-services, and internship projects. Focused career development is also provided.

Learn more about the certificate and outcomes.

  • Application Requirements

    For Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW students, the process begins in the first quarter.

    1. Through information sessions and individual advising, students become familiar with the certificate.
    2. Students declare their interest in the certificate by emailing the GSSW Registrar at gsswregistrar@du.edu
    3. Course scheduling and the internship search process are outlined for students through certificate and field advising.
    4. Internship approval in conjunction with the GSSW Field Team is required.


    For Denver Campus MSW students, the process begins in the second quarter of the first year.

  • Course Requirements

    12 Credits: 3 academic courses and 3 credits from field internship

    • SOWK 4759: Global Cultural Perspectives — Consensus & Conundrums
    • Two of the Following Courses:
      • SOWK 4765: Global Social Change
      • SOWK 4642: Global Trauma
      • SOWK 4465: Human Security Intervention Strategies for Economic and Social Development


    Participation is required in Let’s Go Global, a series of monthly trainings and activities focusing on issues relevant to global social work practice.

  • Field Requirements
    • Students must be in an internship, either domestically or internationally, that has the capacity for a global focus as part of the Concentration-year internship.
    • Internship approval for the certificate is made jointly by the Office of Field Education and the certificate coordinator.
    • Of the total internship credits required for completion of the MSW degree, 3 will be applied toward this certificate.
  • Other Supports

    Advising: Students receive advising specific to their global social work interests and are encouraged to take particular courses to supplement the required certificate courses.

    Career Development: In conjunction with GSSW career development advisors, students receive direction and support in exploring post-degree fellowships, employment and other international opportunities.

Global Social Work Certificate Coordinator

Ann Petrila

Ann T. Petrila

Professor of the Practice, Coordinator of Global Initiatives, Director of Global Practice Bosnia

Learn More