Lisa Ingarfield
Craig Hall, 2148 South High St. Denver, CO 80208
What I do
I provide research and evaluation for IPV survivor-centered nonprofits, criminal legal, and medical organizations, building on 20 years of work at all levels of the anti-sexual violence movement in Colorado.Specialization(s)
criminal justice, gender, higher education, intervention research, public policy, research methods, social justice, trauma, violence
Professional Biography
Dr. Lisa Ingarfield has worked in the anti-violence movement supporting nonprofits, education, criminal legal, and government in Colorado for almost twenty years. She has her PhD in Critical Intercultural Communication from the University of Denver and currently provides consulting services in research, program evaluation, and organizational DEI strategy. She started DU's Center for Advocacy, Prevention, & Empowerment (CAPE) in 2005, and also co-launched the Phoenix Center at Auraria, an on-campus interpersonal violence response and prevention center in 2009. While at the Office for Victim's Programs at the State of Colorado, she oversaw ten sexual assault response teams across the state and assisted in supporting and sustaining sexual assault forensic nursing programs. Dr. Ingarfield currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault's public policy committee, having been involved in policy work to improve the landscape for survivors in Colorado for much of her career. She is also the PI on a number of federal grant programs seeking to evaluate state policy and improve survivor services at all points in the criminal legal and healthcare systems.
- Ph.D., Critical Intercultural Communication, University of Denver, 2014
My primary area of research focus is sexual violence response and policy inside and outside of the criminal legal system. My work centers on survivor needs to better understand what policy is needed and/or what systems need to change.