Science for Action Series

Addressing the Grand Challenges for Social Work

At the Graduate School of Social Work, we’re not daunted by big challenges. We’ve embraced the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare’s 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work, answering with our Social Work Grand Challenges Science for Action Series.

Launched in 2017 to advance progress on the grand challenges initiative, the Science for Action Series will address all 12 of social work’s grand challenges over four years. The series elevates awareness of the grand challenges among social work practitioners and the public, inviting them to collaborate to solve some of the nation’s most pressing social justice imperatives. The series isn’t just about listening and learning; it’s about applying what’s learned — putting evidence to work in policy and practice in Colorado communities.

Science for Action has indeed sparked action. GSSW faculty have been testifying before state committees, hosting continued dialogues on grand challenges issues, preparing policy briefs and more. It’s the sort of action and impact other social work schools can have in their own states as we work together to create a more just society.

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“The Graduate School of Social Work uniquely pursues science for action that is also the essence of the Academy’s social work grand challenges. Our series is a national platform for dissemination of high-impact, evidence-based practice.” Dean Amanda Moore McBride

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Hosted in Denver, the Science for Action Series is free and open to the public and is available via LiveStream for those who cannot attend in person. Have you missed a Science for Action workshop? You can still watch most of them online.

University of Denver Campus

Whether you’re looking for social justice discussions, science symposia or continuing education options, you’ll find it at the Graduate School of Social Work.

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