Colorado Revised Statute Ann. § 17-28-103
Victim-Offender Conferences, Pilot Program
The department is authorized to establish a pilot program, when funds become available, in its correctional facilities to facilitate victim-initiated victim-offender conferences whereby a victim of a crime may request a facilitated conference with the offender who committed the crime, if the offender is in the custody of the department. After such a pilot program is established, the department may establish policies and procedures for the victim-offender conferences using volunteers to facilitate the conferences. The volunteers shall complete the department's volunteer and facility-specific training programs and complete high-risk victim-offender training and victim advocacy training. The department shall not compensate or reimburse a volunteer or victim for any expenses nor otherwise incur any additional expenses to establish or operate the victim-offender conferences pilot program... The purposes of the conference shall be to enable the victim to meet the offender, to obtain answers to questions only the offender can answer, to assist the victim in healing from the impact of the crime, and to promote a sense of remorse and acceptance of responsibility by the offender that may contribute to his or her rehabilitation.