The Alcohol and other Drugs Social Work Faculty Education Program (ADEP)
The research effort examines whether social work faculty participation in ADEP resulted in increased knowledge and confidence teaching both AOD content and empirically supported AOD clinical practice skills. Second, our research examines if ADEP social work faculty include AOD content and clinical practice if it increased their confidence in teaching AOD content and if they incorporated AOD into their course curricula.
This NIAAA-funded program annually educates 50 graduate-level social work faculty on how to teach social work students about empirically-supported screening assessment and treatment for substance use disorder, including alcohol and opioid use disorder. A special issue is being published on this program in the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. Using a pre-post design participation in this effort resulted in both significant increases in faculty knowledge of alcohol and other drug content and in their confidence regarding teaching AOD content. (Lundgren et al. 2018)