Region X Early Childhood Home Visiting Workforce Study
The Regional Early Childhood Home Visitation Workforce Study is a comprehensive survey of the home visitation workforce within the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Region X, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. The study will provide new knowledge about the workforce composition, education, professional experience, work environment, health and early experiences. Region X states expect to use the findings to help improve supports and professional development.
The Butler Institute for Families, in partnership with the University of Colorado Denver and the Public Consulting Group, is doing an early childhood home-visitation workforce assessment in four northwestern states. This workforce study is part of a larger initiative to increase support and professional development opportunities for home visitors. We will develop and administer a survey to approximately 1,000 home-visiting staff in the region, conduct follow-up interviews with a targeted sample and collect exit surveys from participants who leave their home visiting jobs during the course of the study duration.