Ashley Brock-Baca
Senior Research Associate
Professional Biography
Dr. Ashley Brock-Baca is a developmental psychologist with over a decade of experience working in the areas and intersections of behavioral health, early childhood, child welfare, juvenile justice, healthcare, and education. She is a subject-matter expert on topics including trauma-responsive practices, care coordination, and supporting multi-system involved families and those with complex needs. Much of her work is focused on workforce development, organizational development, and system change, including system integration and meaningful youth and family partnership. She has developed competency models, workforce credentialing systems, and training and coaching curricula. These efforts include developing infrastructure to support lived-experience peers in the workforce. Additionally, she has developed several pathways to change and toolkits to support practice innovation aligned with implementation science. She provides organizational development, project design, technical assistance, training, curriculum development, case consultation, and evaluation from a trauma-responsive, resilience-building, and equity-centered lens. Butler clients appreciate Ashley's ability to help them translate the best available research evidence into innovative practice solutions that meet organizational needs.
University of Texas at Austin, PhD
University of Texas at Austin, MA
Auburn University, BA
Licensure / Accreditations