In recognition of their national and international reputations and impact, GSSW’s Butler Institute for Families and Institute for Human–Animal Connection have been designated as DU Research Institutes.

Charmaine Brittain, Director of Practice Innovation, shares her experiences within child welfare, projects she is involved in, and the journey that lead to her connection in the work we do here at Butler Institute for Families.

Meet Kendra Lowden, Senior Research Associate I and Trained Professional Coach through the Academy of Professional Coaching at Butler Institute for Families

The dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism are changing social work’s approach to child welfare practice. GSSW faculty and community partners discuss new changes, challenges and opportunities in child welfare.

GSSW’s Butler Institute has been selected as a key partner in an expanded role with the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute, which aims to strengthen child welfare programs through workforce development.

GSSW and Sturm College of Law are training Colorado’s child abuse and neglect attorneys to create better outcomes for children and families.