In honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day we celebrate all indigenous members of the GSSW community. Learn more about the recent, impactful work from our Indigenous faculty.
Lucero, N. M., Scott, K., & Nutton, J. (2023, May). Beyond individual experience: Frameworks for understanding shared group trauma and healing. Canadian Consortium on Child & Youth Trauma 2023 Trauma Symposium, Montreal, QB, Canada
Tanana, H., Lucero, N. M., Lee, A., & Parker, E. (2022). Understanding the Indian Child Welfare Act and its application to practice. In R. W. Denby & C. Ingram (Eds.), Child and family serving systems: A compendium of policy and practice. Volume I: Evolution of protecting, strengthening, and sustaining children and families. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America
Lucero, N. M. (2022). Book review: Making a difference: My fight for native rights and social justice (Deer, A., 2019). Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, OnlineFirst Nov. 25, 2022, 1-2
Lucero, N. M., Bussey, M. C., & Carver-Roberts, T. (2021). Assessing trauma in American Indian/Alaska Native parents as an ICWA active effort. Child Welfare, 98(5), 1-26
Moreno Sandoval, C. D. & Valdovinos, M. G. (2021). Confessions of a Xicana (COAX): Dismantling shame while walking with the ancestors and transforming pain into beauty. In S. Toscano & E. C. Orozco (Eds.) In Search for Our Brown Selves: A Transdisciplinary College Reader (2nd ed.), (pp. 17-28). New York: Kendall Hunt
The Four Corners MSW Program, led by Associate Professor of the Practice Janelle Doughty, emphasizes Indigenous knowledge and experiences in the rural context.