Indigenous Peoples' Day

In honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day we celebrate all indigenous members of the GSSW community. Learn more about the recent, impactful work from our Indigenous faculty.

Ramona Beltran
Associate Professor
- Land Back: Mending the Hoop Part 7
- Existence As Protest: Mending the Hoop Part 8
- Beltrán, R., Alvarez, A.R.G., & Fernandez, A. (2023). “I see myself strong”: A description of an expressive poetic method to amplify Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer Indigenous youth experiences in a culture-centered HIV prevention curriculum. Geneaology, 7(3), 55
- Therapy Ghostbusters
- How therapists are helping patients heal by tackling structural racism

Autumn Asher BlackDeer
Assistant Professor
- Asher BlackDeer, A. (2023). Unsettling Feminism in Social Work: The Indigenous Decolonial Feminist Framework. Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work
- A Social Worker’s Guide to Decolonizing the Field of Social Work
- Helton, J., Asher BlackDeer, A., Banks, K., Pousson, M., & Gilbert, K. (2023). Racial Discrimination of Adolescents with Special Healthcare Needs. Journal of Adolescent Health
- Dr. BlackDeer Confronts #SocialWorkSoWhite
- Gillani, B., Cohen, F., Kirchgesler, K. & Asher BlackDeer, A. (2023). Sites of Possibility: A Scoping Review to Investigate the Mentorship of Marginalized Social Work Doctoral Students. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work

Nancy Lucero
Research Associate Professor
- Learning to Serve American Indians: Social Work Students' Reflections on Their Journeys Toward Cultural and Structural Responsiveness
- Lucero, N. M., Scott, K., & Nutton, J. (2023, May). Beyond individual experience: Frameworks for understanding shared group trauma and healing. Canadian Consortium on Child & Youth Trauma 2023 Trauma Symposium, Montreal, QB, Canada
- Tanana, H., Lucero, N. M., Lee, A., & Parker, E. (2022). Understanding the Indian Child Welfare Act and its application to practice. In R. W. Denby & C. Ingram (Eds.), Child and family serving systems: A compendium of policy and practice. Volume I: Evolution of protecting, strengthening, and sustaining children and families. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America
- Lucero, N. M. (2022). Book review: Making a difference: My fight for native rights and social justice (Deer, A., 2019). Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, OnlineFirst Nov. 25, 2022, 1-2
- Lucero, N. M., Bussey, M. C., & Carver-Roberts, T. (2021). Assessing trauma in American Indian/Alaska Native parents as an ICWA active effort. Child Welfare, 98(5), 1-26

Miriam G. Valdovinos
Assistant Professor
- Valdovinos, M. G., Walton, Q. L., & Oyewuwo, O. B. (2023). Normal wasn’t good: A collaborative autoethnography of the intersectional experiences of academic Women of Color mothering during the dual pandemics. Affilia
- Campbell-Montalvo, R., Sidorova, O., Valdovinos, M. G., Cong, X., & Lucas, R. (2022). Healthcare access brokerage by school employees for Immigrant Mexican and Indigenous Guatemalan farmworking families in a Connecticut elementary school. AERA Open, 8(1), 1-15
- Valdovinos, M. G. & Moreno Sandoval, C. D. (2021). Cihuātocameh (Spiderwomen) weaving twenty years of transformative justice work in higher education. Educational Studies, 57(5), 524-543
- Moreno Sandoval, C. D. & Valdovinos, M. G. (2021). Confessions of a Xicana (COAX): Dismantling shame while walking with the ancestors and transforming pain into beauty. In S. Toscano & E. C. Orozco (Eds.) In Search for Our Brown Selves: A Transdisciplinary College Reader (2nd ed.), (pp. 17-28). New York: Kendall Hunt
- Valdovinos, M. G., Rodriguez-Coss, N., & Parekh, R. (2020). Healing through ancestral knowledge and letters to our children: Mothering infants during a global pandemic. Genealogy, 4(4), 119