Experience Day 2022

We look forward to meeting you at Experience Day on April 8 from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. MST. Experience Day is a great opportunity to get to know the people who will support, encourage and inspire you on your social work career journey.

If you have any questions, please reach out.

Contact Us
Craig Hall

Experience Day Agenda

We have a full lineup of engaging content that includes informative panels from faculty, alumni, and students, mini-classes, and opportunities to learn more about the GSSW program. We will also offer 1:1 financial aid appointments for all in-person attendees from 1–3 p.m. Register for an appointment when checking in for Experience Day. Central Financial Aid and the Health & Counseling Center are hosting walk-in appointments for experience day attendees from 1-2pm on Friday. These walk-in appointments will be located in Community Commons 1800.

April 8, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. MST 

8:00 a.m. — Check-In & Breakfast (Register for a 1:1 financial aid appointment)

8:30 a.m. — GSSW Welcome with Dean Amanda Moore-McBride

9:00 a.m. — Faculty Panel

9:45 p.m. — 15 Minute Break

10:00 a.m. — Student Services Panel

10:45 a.m. — 15 Minute Break

11:00 a.m. — Mini Classes 

12:00 p.m.— Lunch & Self-Guided Tour

Faculty Panel

Aneesha Bharwani

Aneesha Bharwani

Clinical Professor

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Daniel Brisson

Daniel S. Brisson


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Heather Renicker

Heather Christine Arnold-Renicker

Clinical Associate Professor

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Jamie Glick

Jamie Glick

Adjunct Faculty

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Julianne Rollins Mitchell

Julianne Rollins Mitchell

Clinical Associate Professor; Fac Dir, The Collaborative

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Marquisha Lawrence

Marquisha Lawrence Scott

Assistant Professor

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Stacey Freedenthal

Stacey Freedenthal

Associate Professor

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Student Services Panel

Adela Smith

Adela Smith


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Deana Ahmad

Deana Ahmad

Assistant Dean for Students

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Jenna Sergio

Jenna Sergio

Program Manager

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Krislyn O'Sullivan

Krislyn O'Sullivan

Senior Professional Advisor

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Leslie Hasche

Leslie K. Hasche


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Stacy Said

Stacy Said

Senior Advisor

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Mariegrace Veres

Mariegrace Veres

Director of Enrollment

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Mini Classes

  • Experiential Therapy

    Experiential Therapy can be a guided activity, a game, a mental puzzle to work out, time in nature, or a physical challenge. Through Experiential Therapy, the client often moves out of their comfort zone and into a place of new insights of self-discovery, confidence building, self-awareness, and new methods of how to cope with issues in their life. 

    Taught by Associate Professor Julie Laser-Maira

  • Ecological Justice

    We often hear of environmental justice, but what is ecological justice? In this mini-course, you will meet the concentration lead for GSSW's new Ecological Justice concentration and learn how you as a social worker will be activated into ensuring a healthy and flourishing future for people, all other species, and Earth.

    Taught by Clinical Associate Professor Sarah Bexell.

  • Weighing our Worth: An Introduction to weight stigma and weight inclusive practice

    This mini-class begins by introducing the concept of weight stigma and how body weight and appearance is a part of our intersectional identity (and a source of potential privilege or discrimination). Next, we examine how weight stigma infiltrates public health messaging and the potential harms of that stigma. We will briefly review some of the science that supports taking a weight inclusive approach to health and mental health practice. We end the mini class discussing some brief recommendations for clinical practice.

    Taught by Assistant Professor Erin Harrop.

  • Grief and Loss: A Promotion of the Right to Grieve

    This mini-class will help to define grief and explore how client systems and communities experience grief, not only as it relates to the loss of a loved one, but as it is universally experienced through non-traditional forms of loss.  We will explore the spectrum of grief and how we as social workers can promote the human right to grieve as a promotion of our core social work values.

    Taught by Clinical Assistant Professor Amity Good.

  • Let’s Go Global.... Or Should We?

    Join us for a discussion about the ethical considerations of international social work with Professor Ann Petrila, Coordinator of GSSW’s Global Initiatives.  

    Taught by Professor of the Practice Ann Petrila.