2025 MSW Enrollment Guide

2025 Denver Campus MSW Program

At the Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW), we are committed to community—the community within our school and the communities with whom we partner to create individual and collective impact.

We are excited to welcome you! Although we hail from diverse personal and professional backgrounds and have a wide variety of research, scholarship and career interests, our faculty, staff and students all share one thing in common: We are champions for social justice who are leading the charge for social change.

You are embarking on an incredible educational journey. You'll graduate with the knowledge, skills and commitment to create a more just and equitable world for all. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.


Please read through this page in its entirety, as it will answer many of the questions you have as a new student. If you have additional questions, your primary point of contact is a GSSW Admission Ambassador. You can email gsswadmission@du.edu or schedule a virtual one-on-one meeting

Quick Links

Looking for a way to connect, ask questions and build relationships with future classmates?

Join the Admitted Student Facebook Group

Upcoming Admitted Student Events

Tuition, Billing & Financial Aid

The next step in your GSSW educational journey is to accept the offer of admission and submit your tuition deposit, if you haven’t already.

  • Tuition Deposit Instructions

    For the incoming summer and fall 2025 classes, submit your $300 deposit by April 15, 2025 to hold your spot in the Denver Campus MSW Program.

    The deposit is non-refundable, but the full amount will be credited to your first tuition payment. 

    1. Accept Offer of Admission: To accept our offer of admission, visit your application status page. There, scroll to the “Forms” section and click the “Reply to Admission Offer” link to select “I ACCEPT your admission offer.”
    2. Submit Your Tuition Deposit: Once you have accepted your offer, you will have the opportunity to pay your tuition deposit by clicking the “Enrollment Deposit—Submit Payment” link that appears on your application status page. This link will take you to a webpage where you can pay your deposit with a credit card.
  • Tuition & Billing

    The cost of attendence for our Denver Campus MSW Program is listed on our Master of Social Work Financial Aid page. Tuition for each quarter is due the first day of that quarter.

    Visit the Graduate financial aid website for resources that are helpful for your financial planning:

  • Scholarships & Loans

    Merit Scholarships

    Merit scholarships range from $11,000 - $23,000 for Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW students and $22,000 - $46,000 for Denver Campus MSW students each year; the amount received is determined by the merit and strength of your application. GSSW does offer merit scholarship appeals to newly admitted and incoming GSSW students. To be considered for a merit appeal, please email gsswadmission@du.edu.


    Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

    To apply for state or federal financial assistance, you must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form as soon as possible. This application is required to determine eligibility for grants, loans and student employment. The FAFSA application will open December 1, 2024.

    The University of Denver school code is 001371. You can expect to receive your financial aid package by end of April 2025. After April, you can expect to receive your package within 4-6 weeks once you’ve completed the FAFSA application. You are eligible to receive up to *$20,500 each year you are in the program. You must be registered for at least 4 or more credits each quarter for the funds to disburse at the beginning of each quarter. Your loan will evenly disburse based upon the number of quarters outlined in your curriculum plan for the academic year.

    • Summer start Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW students will need to submit a 24-25 and 25-26 FAFSA to receive aid for Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring quarters.
    • Fall start Denver-Campus Advanced-Standing MSW students will need to submit a 25-26 FAFSA to receive aid for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer quarters.
    • Fall start Denver Campus MSW students will need to submit a 25-26 FAFSA for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters and will need to reapply each academic year.

    The interest rate for summer 2025 is 8.08%. This interest rate is fixed for the life of the loan and you do not need to start paying off the loan until 6 months after you graduate.

    Tuition bills are generated by the Bursar's Office a month before each quarter. About 2 weeks before the start of the quarter, your financial aid will disburse to your student account. Your merit scholarship and federal loan will automatically pay towards your tuition bill. For example, if you are registered for 15 credits for Fall 2025, 15 credits x $1,310 per credit is $19,650. In addition, you have to pay a mandatory $4 technology fee for each registered credit. The total of these two direct fees will be your estimated Fall tuition bill. Once your merit scholarship and Federal loan pay out, if you have a remaining balance, that is where the Grad PLUS loan can come into play.

    Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan

    The Grad PLUS loan is an additional loan offered to students to pay for their education up to the total cost of attendance (COA), which includes direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are tuition, fees and health insurance (if enrolled in the DU plan). Indirect costs are books, housing, meals and transportation costs. The COA takes into account all of the expenses a student might have for that year including basic living costs. TThe average COA for a Denver Campus MSW student for 24-25 is about $79,522. To apply, visit StudentAid.gov

    • Under the "Apply for Aid" drop-down, click "Apply for a Grad PLUS loan". The Grad PLUS loan application opens up May each year. After you apply, the Department of Education will send DU a confirmation of your loan approval and the details of the requested amount. The Central Financial Aid office will add the loan to your financial aid package and send you an updated award letter. Your Grad PLUS loan amount will evenly disburse just like the Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan timeline listed above. If you have a remaining tuition balance, your Grad PLUS will pay off the remaining amount.
    • If you accept a larger Grad PLUS loan for indirect costs, you will receive a refund to your bank account as a direct deposit. Refunds will be initiated by the Bursar's Office about a week before classes begin. After you receive a refund and realize you don't need that excess money, you can email finaid@du.edu and return a portion of it back to DU. You can also email finaid@du.edu to increase or decrease quarter amounts as the year progresses.
    • To figure out how much of a Grad PLUS loan to request for, you take the average cost of attendance for an MSW student, minus your merit scholarship, minus your Federal Loan amount, minus work-study, minus any other external scholarships you may have received. The remaining amount is what you potentially receive for that academic year. The Grad PLUS loan interest rate for summer 2025 is 9.08%. This interest rate is fixed for the life of the loan and you do not need to start paying off the loan until 6 months after you graduate. It's better to apply for the Grad PLUS loan at the beginning of the year and utilize the loan later than to not apply and realize you need it later on.

    If you have questions regarding FAFSA, federal loans or the GradPLUS loan, please email finaid@du.edu


    Colorado "Critical Career" Graduate Grant

    Funding for this grant—provided by the Colorado General Assembly—is extremely limited. If you're eligible to receive this grant, you'll be notified by the Central Financial Aid Office via email in October—no separate application is required. Award amounts vary from $1,000 to $7,000. To be eligible, you must:

    • Be a Colorado resident and submit the CO Residency Form to the Registrar's Office
    • Be enrolled in a critical career field, such as the MSW program, as determined by the Colorado Department of Higher Education 
    • Have an Expected Family Contribution (as determined by the FAFSA) of less than $7,000
    • Be enrolled in 4 or more credits each quarter

    Additional Financial Aid Resources

Research Assistantships, Work-Study and Campus Jobs

  • Research Assistantships

    Research Assistantships may be available to MSW students. Opportunities are dependent on one of two circumstances:  

    1. Supported positions are available through a faculty member’s grant funded research project.  
    2. Faculty members may be able to employ students through a student’s work study award. In this case, a Research Assistantship title may not always be used, but students can be hired as interviewers, coordinators, etc.    


    If you are interested in pursuing a research assistantship or work-study employment under a GSSW faculty member, view our active research project page to identify a project that fits your interest. Then, reach out directly to a faculty member and ask if they will have any research assistant or hourly positions available on their projects.  

    Most faculty hire in the summer or early fall for the academic year. Faculty may post open research assistantship opportunities on the student career website or the DU jobs website.

    For general questions about research assistantships, please reach out to Associate Professor Ramona Beltran.

  • Work-Study

    Work-study is a need-based financial aid award that allows you to work on campus or with an approved off-campus employer to earn money to help pay for educational expenses. Graduate students can be awarded up to $5,000 per year. You must fill out a FAFSA to be eligible. If you are not awarded work-study, please email workstudy@du.edu to be put on a waitlist or if you have questions.  

    Learn More & View Open Positions 

  • Campus Jobs

    Campus jobs are also a great option because employers understand you’re a student first. You can grow your skillset, deepen and apply your thinking, reflect on your interests and goals, and gain new perspectives on work, education, and life. These jobs are different than work-study because they are not dependent on need-based financial aid.  

    Learn More & View Campus Jobs 


CLIMB Stipend

The Collaborative Learning and Innovative Educational Models of Behavioral Health Program (CLIMB) is a behavioral health workforce program that provides MSW students in their concentration year a stipend and specialized training. 

Priority Application Deadline: Priority deadline is June 1, 2025; applications will continue to be accepted after this date until all stipends are awarded.

Eligibility: Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Program and Denver Campus MSW Program students in their concentration year (year 2 of the program)

Learn More & Apply

Title IV-E Child Welfare Stipend

In partnership with the Butler Institute for Families and the Colorado Department of Human Services, we offer 20 child welfare stipends ranging from $12,000 -$14,000 so you can effectively serve families who use public child welfare services. 

Application Deadline: Application is rolling, due on the 15th of every month January – May, 2025

Eligibility: Denver Campus MSW Program and Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Program students with an interest in pursuing work in the child welfare system after graduation 

Learn More & Apply

GeriCare Everywhere Stipend

In partnership with the University of Colorado Anschutz Division of Geriatric Medicine, we offer two, $10,000 GeriCare EveryWhere stipends to students who are passionate about a career working with older adults and their families. Students who receive a stipend must contractually agree to practice in a geriatric setting in Colorado for a minimum of two years after graduation. 

Application Deadline: Application is due July 1, 2025

Eligibility: Denver Campus MSW Program and Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Program students who commit to practice in a geriatric setting in Colorado for a minimum of two years after graduation

Learn More & Apply

MSW Curriculum Plans & Academic Planning

Register for an Academic Q&A information session.

For any questions about the registration process, course options, and your academic path prior to your arrival at orientation, you can register for an Academic Q&A Info Session. We will begin offering Academic Q&A info sessions in April 2025.

MSW Degree Planning Packet

Denver Campus Summer & Fall 2025 MSW Degree Planning Packet

Denver Campus MSW students pursue their degree within the Advanced Social Work Practice concentration. You can select from a wide variety of courses to create a specialization that suits your personal interests and career goals. The concentration gives you the flexibility to choose courses that span a variety of social work topics and find the right fit. If you know where your interests lie, we offer several customizable pathways that allow you to specialize in your area of interest.

Denver Campus MSW Program

Start DateFull-Time Curriculum PlanPart-Time Curriculum Plan
Fall 20256-Quarter Curriculum Plan (Summer Off)14-Quarter Curriculum Plan

Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Program

Start Date Full-Time Curriculum PlansPart-Time Curriculum Plans
Summer 20254-Quarter Curriculum PlanN/A
Fall 20254-Quarter Curriculum Plan10-Quarter Curriculum Plan



After you deposit, you will receive an email with registration instructions. Refer to the registration email for more information or read the information below for registration preparation and instructions.  

Start DateRegistration Begins
Summer 2025May 12, 2025
Fall 2025July 31, 2025


Registration Preparation

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    Check Your Student Profile for Registration Holds

    • Log into MyDU with your DU ID number (87#) and password
    • Select “My Student Profile” under the Academic Profile widget
    • Select the correct registration quarter from the "Term" drop-down menu above your profile photo
    • Click "Holds" on the top right
    • Review common registration holds or direct questions or concerns to the department that placed the hold.
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    Confirm Your Registration Day and Time

    • Log into MyDU with your DU ID (87#) and password
    • Select “My Student Profile” under the Academic Profile widget
    • Select the correct registration quarter from the "Term" drop-down menu above your profile photo
    • Click “Registration Notices” at top right of screen and review your registration day and time under "Time Tickets"
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    Plan Your Classes and Connect with an Advisor

    • Email GSSW.DenverCampus@du.edu if you have questions about what classes to take.
    • Tips for Viewing the Course Schedules:
      • Search by the subject "social work" and use attribute: "Social Work: Denver" to only see your program's classes.
      • All of your sections are in the 1s or 100s. If you see 200s, 300s or 500s, these sections belong to other MSW programs and you cannot register for them.
  • Common Registration Holds

    Academic Standards Agreement Hold

    • This is a hold you can resolve via your MyDU. Once you sign, the hold is immediately removed.
    • Log into MyDU with your DU email and password
    • Using the search box function at the top of the screen, type "GSSW Academic Professional Standards Agreement"
    • Click on "GSSW Academic Professional Standards Agreement"
    • Read agreement and sign using your DU password

    Missing Billing Agreement Hold

    • This is a hold you can resolve via your MyDU. Once you sign, the hold is immediately removed.
    • Log into MyDU with your DU email and password
    • Using the search box function at the top of the screen, type "Billing Agreement"
    • Click on "Billing Agreement"
    • Read agreement and sign using your DU password

    Financial Hold

    Please call 303.871.4944 to clear this hold. You will need to work with them directly to clear your hold before you can register.

    Immunization Hold

    Reach out to Health and Counseling Center at 303.871.2205 or email them at info@hcc.du.edu. You will need to work with them directly to clear your hold before you can register.

    Missing Transcripts Hold

    The registration hold on your student profile will indicate which official transcripts are missing from your record. If you have not already done so, please have official transcripts sent directly from the school directly to registrar@du.edu to clear this hold. They must be sent directly from the school to be considered official.

    Office of Outreach and Support Hold

    Call 303.871.2400 to clear this hold. You will need to work with them directly to clear your hold before you can register.

    Parking Fines Hold

    Call 303.871.3210 to clear this hold. You will need to work with them directly to clear your hold before you can register.

Register For Classes

Find your program and curriculum plan below and register for the corresponding courses.

Field Education

With field internships, you can begin practicing your social work skills right away. With more than 700+ GSSW field agencies in Denver—from hospitals and hospices to child welfare agencies, policy nonprofits and animal sanctuaries—you’ll find an internship that fits your specific needs and interests.

Please note that you will not be able to register for your field internship course until you complete the field internship process listed below. Email field@du.edu with any questions. 

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    Attend a Mandatory Field Information Session

    Sign-up instructions will be emailed after you submit your deposit.

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    Complete the Internship Search Form

    Information about the internship search form will be sent via email after the information session.

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    Schedule an Appointment with a Field Advisor

    After you complete the internship search form, you will set up a one-on-one meeting with a field advisor, who will work with you to identify GSSW-approved field agencies for your interview and selection process. 

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    Field Confirmation Form

    You may not register for a SOWK 4950 or SOWK 4970 Foundation Field Internship, or begin your field placement, until you have submitted a Field Confirmation Form located in the internship database AND received specific registration instructions from the field office.

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    Field Internship Course Registration

    The field office will begin sending registration instructions on June 2025. When you register for classes you will refer to the field registration instructions the field office provided you via email from field@du.edu after you submitted the Field Confirmation Form.


Human-Animal–Environment Interactions in Social Work Certificate

group of students holding dogs

Prepare to recognize the importance and impact of human–animal–environment interactions in culturally responsive and ethically advanced professional social work practice settings. 

  • Contact program coordinator Nina Ekholm Fry if you have questions about the certificate.
  • This certificate does not require an application.
  • There is no requirement for a specialized field placement related to the certificate.

School Social Work Certificate

woman working with children

The School Social Work Certificate explores all aspects of school social work, such as crisis intervention and school-based assessments, and prepares you to work in Colorado schools, from preschool through high school.

  • Contact Julianne Mitchell if you have questions about the certificate.
  • Declare interest in participating in the certificate by emailing julianne.mitchell@du.edu. The application is due June 1, 2025, for the Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Program and Sept. 1, 2025, for the Denver Campus MSW Program.

Latinx Social Work Certificate

two ladys posing together with an art piece

Prepare for a bilingual career serving individuals and families of Latin American origin.

  • Contact program coordinator Miriam Valdovinos if you have questions about the certificate.
  • Denver Campus Advanced-Standing MSW Program students can apply for the certificate after orientation, and Denver Campus MSW Program students can apply in the winter quarter following their enrollment term.

Global Social Work Certificate

group of people sitting together

Prepare to work cross-culturally, either at home or abroad.

  • Contact program coordinator Ann Petrila if you have questions about the certificate.
  • Declare interest in participating in the certificate by emailing certificate coordinator Ann Petrila.

Meet our Field Advisors

Claire Wiley

Claire Wiley

Field Education Coordinator

Learn More

Channing Spears

Channing Spears

Field Education Coordinator

Learn More

Erin Clark

Erin Clark

Field Placement Manager

Learn More

denver union station

Housing & Transportation

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    The on-campus graduate housing application for summer 2025 will open the third week of April and fall 2025 will open the beginning of January. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but housing is limited and provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.

    For off-campus housing, please visit the University of Denver's Off-Campus Housing Service; log in using your DU credentials to see current listings and access the Roommate Finder.  

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    You’ll receive an RTD transit pass, making getting around Denver free and easy. The campus is a hub for light-rail and bus routes connecting you to downtown, the Tech Center, Denver International Airport and the entire metro area.

    RTD Denver

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    Parking on Campus

    There are several paid parking options on campus, most of which are walking distance from GSSW’s Craig Hall. Parking passes are available for purchase.

    DU Parking

New Student Orientation

Required for all incoming Denver Campus MSW students, orientation will introduce community resources, expectations and opportunities as you begin your journey at GSSW. (Note: The date of the first day of classes may differ from DU's academic calendar.) All dates are subject to change. 

Start Date OrientationFirst Day of  Classes
Summer 2025July 10 and 11, 2025Monday, July 14, 2025
Fall 2025September 3-5, 2025Monday, Sept. 8, 2025

Academic Calendars

Catalyst Series for Social Justice event

Student Life

Enrolling in graduate school is a big step, and we’ll be there for you, from your first day of orientation through your job search after graduation and your career as an alumnus. We’re dedicated to supporting students in developing and enhancing their academic and professional skills while also ensuring that resources — such as accommodation for learning differences and disabilities, health and counseling — are available and accessible.

Welcome to DU Video from Chancellor Jeremy Haefner

Professor Anamika Barman Adhikari


GSSW is home to a courageous community of faculty members whose work is advancing social justice and social work practice. Their research and scholarship spans areas such as public policy, addiction, child welfare and youth development, homelessness, and issues including ableism, sexism, racism and intersectional lived experiences. Get to know our faculty and their research, and feel free to introduce yourself and ask questions!

man on computer outside

Technology Resources

  • application icon

    My DU

    Check your My DU portal for important documents, registration info and other student essentials.

    My DU

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    Access our online learning-management system to find syllabi, assignments, deadlines and more.


  • email icon

    Office 365

    Access your email account, Microsoft Word, OneDrive and other resources that can help you complete your schoolwork.

    Office 365

"A lot of people come to DU because of the proximity to the mountains and the proximity to Denver, and here we are just looking at all of it. It's pretty cool."

DU Student

Discover Denver

Art & Activism

Arts & Culture

Campus is home to the acclaimed Newman Center for the Performing Arts and Myhren Gallery, and the museum district and other world-class venues—from Museo de las Americas and Su Teatro to the Museum of Contemporary Art and Clyfford Still Museum—are just a short train ride away.

black female eating


From vegan to locavore to carnivore, Denver’s food scene has it all, including a wide variety of global flavors walking distance from campus. Some of our nearby favorites are Jeruselem Restaurant, Kaladi Coffee Roasters, Deiter’s Chocolates and Illegal Pete’s. You can often find faculty, staff and students sharing a meal and conversation in Craig Hall or eating or studying al fresco during one of Denver’s 300+ sunny days a year. 

Denver baseball stadium

Sports & Recreation

You don’t have to leave campus to find one of Denver’s best sports and recreation complexes: The Ritchie Center for Sports and Wellness and Coors Fitness Center. Hop a train to downtown for a pro sports matchup, or explore Denver’s more than 80 miles of urban trails and bikeways. There’s even a ski and snowboard terrain park—The Ruby Hill Rail Yard—minutes from campus.

Recent GSSW News

Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice: Reckoning With Our History, Interrogating Our Present, Re-Imagining Our Future
Social Work & Racial Justice

GSSW faculty and alumni coauthored chapters in a new book, “Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice,” which challenges readers to forge new practices, policies and pedagogies for an anti-racist future.

Learn More

PhD graduate Xochilt Alamillo and her community
Exploring Chicana Adolescent Suicide

Recent GSSW PhD graduate Xochilt Alamillo studies mental health and suicidality among Latinx youth.

Learn More

youth sitting in a couch reading from a tablet
A Vital Sign for Behavioral Health

GSSW Prof. Johnny Kim is studying Ellipsis Health’s AI-based depression and anxiety measurement tool for adolescents. The tool could dramatically change how mental health care is provided in schools.

Learn More